Tony Kuyper Photography

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Inner Momo
I've visited this canyon several times over the years and have found it difficult to get an image that I wanted to work on once I get home. This year, however, I hiked it after a week photographing with three fine gentleman: Bill, Momo, and Bob. While I tend to concentrate on tighter images with telephoto focal lengths, Momo works more in wide-angle. As I was looking about this chamber-like space on this day, I started to ask myself, "What would Momo do?" After spending a week looking at the LCD on his camera, I knew exactly what he would do. I set my lens as wide as it would go and moved into the scene. While I generally prefer looking to find more isolated details in a scene, I'll readily admit that it was fun discovering my "inner Momo" and finding this comp using the shorter end of my lens.